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BPI News


BPI-2400 to be Updated in 2023

posted at 2023-04-27 11:15:38

Saratoga Springs, NY - BPI is pleased to share that BPI-2400-2015 Standard Practice for Standardized Qualification of Whole-House Energy Savings Predictions by Calibration to Energy Use History will be updated in 2023.

BPI-2400, also known as the Delta Standard, is referenced in the HOMES Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). To ensure that public monies achieve the desired results, the legislation specifies that State Energy Offices use “procedures…for determining the reductions in home energy use resulting from the implementation of a home energy efficiency retrofit that are calibrated to historical energy usage for a home consistent with BPI-2400, for purposes of modeled performance home rebates.”

Like all BPI standards, The Delta Standard was developed by a working group of Subject Matter Experts, representing a wide variety of interest categories and geographical locations, in a consensus-based process. This standard specifies a process to calibrate the model to the actual energy use of the home, using an approved building energy simulation software tool and actual energy bills. The Standard will be reviewed in 2023 to ensure that it meets industry needs related to the IRA.

As a standards organization, BPI convenes Standards Technical Committees, facilitates and records meetings, and hosts and maintains approved standards. Standards are written by working groups of the Standards Technical Committee, and reviewed and approved by the whole. BPI's Data and Modeling Standards Technical Committee (DM-STC) will be reconvened to review the standard and develop any needed additions.

Please watch the BPI News page for further announcements about the review of BPI-2400. We look forward to working with the reconvened DM-STC to ensure that the industry has the very best in practices for modeling energy use and improving homes around the country.