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BPI News


BPI Announces Funding Support for The Delta Standard

posted at 2023-01-26 09:25:13

Saratoga Springs, NY - The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) is proud to announce that New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) has provided financial support to update BPI-2400-S-2015 Standard Practice for Standardized Qualification of Whole-House Energy Savings Predictions By Calibration To Energy Use History (aka “The Delta Standard) to meet current industry needs.

The Delta Standard is referenced in the HOMES Energy Efficiency Rebate Program, part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). BPI intends the updates to provide more flexibility to contractors while maintaining consistent and conservative savings estimations.

The Delta Standard specifies the requirements and process for the calculation of standardized predicted savings using approved building energy simulation software.

This standard specifies a process to calibrate the model to the actual energy use of the home, using an approved building energy simulation software tool and actual energy bills. It provides a set of criteria to be used in the final calculation of standardized estimated savings that may be considered in compliance with this standard.

Like all BPI standards, The Delta Standard was developed by a working group of Subject Matter Experts who represent a wide variety of interest categories and geographical locations. The working group will be reconvened by BPI's Data and Modeling Standards Technical Committee (DM-STC) to create the current update.

BPI is deeply grateful for NYSERDA's commitment to promoting energy equity through this funding support. BPI's standards are freely available for all to use. Current standards may be found here.

To learn more about how to use The Delta Standard in state and utility programs, email