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Join BPI in Providing Information to DOE

posted at 2022-12-20 15:08:44

With the large amount of funding for workforce development in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) is seeking input from the training and certification community on how this money should be spent. DOE's Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) has shared three new workforce programs and asked for input regarding their structure between now and January 26, 2023. Now is the time to join us in responding to DOE's Request for Information (RFI).

The State-Based Home Energy Efficiency Contractor Training Program (Contractor Training Program), Energy Auditor Training Program (EAT), and Career Skills Training Program (CST), are funded by the BIL and IRA and will support a more equitable energy efficiency and buildings-focused electrification workforce.

The IRA-funded Contractor Training Program offers $200 million in grants for states to prepare the contractors who electrify and install energy efficiency upgrades in residential buildings.

The BIL-funded Energy Auditor Training Program offers $40 million in grants for states to train individuals to conduct energy audits in commercial and residential buildings.

The BIL-funded Career Skills Training Program offers $10 million in grants for partnerships comprised of nonprofits, industry, and labor organizations to develop classroom instruction and on-the-job training to help individuals obtain industry-related certifications to install energy-efficient building technologies.

DOE has issued a Request for Information that it will use to plan and structure funding opportunities. States, nonprofits, and partner stakeholders such as labor unions, employers and contractors, workforce investment boards, energy efficiency training providers, and more are invited to provide feedback on issues related to the development and implementation of the Contractor Training Program, EAT, and CST.

As the premiere credentialing body for the home performance industry, BPI invites all BPI Test Centers to join us in providing information to DOE. BPI Test Centers are deeply embedded in their communities. Their expertise will support DOE in designing the solicitation process and structure of future DOE Funding Opportunity Announcements for equitable workforce development.

With this RFI the DOE specifically seeks information on the content and proposed programmatic requirements for the three new programs including: respondent type, workforce and business characteristics, workforce development and business owner training strategies, accessing federal funding, equity and partnerships, access to high quality jobs, and more.

Responses to this RFI are due no later than 5:00pm (ET) on January 26, 2023, so work will begin immediately after the holidays. To get involved please email Larry Zarker at