BPI News
BPI Certifications Provide Florida Home Builders with an Affordable Path for Blower Door Code Compliance
posted at 2017-04-13 00:00:00
(Malta, NY) April 11, 2017 - The Building Performance Institute, Inc. (BPI) has obtained a set of non-binding interpretations from the Building Officials Association of Florida (BOAF). These BOAF interpretations recognize individuals certified by BPI can conduct blower door tests. BPI Certified Professionals meet the criteria set forth in 553.990-999 and the Florida energy code for test entities. Test entities are individuals who conduct testing and issue blower door tests or inspection reports. These individuals can submit test and inspection reports to local code officials that will comply with the Florida building code. Blower door testing in new Florida homes becomes mandatory on July 1, 2017.
These were submitted as three different requests for BOAF consideration. For this communication, the requests are combined into a single paragraph and noted in below:
Question: Would an individual who possesses a relevant certification by the Building Performance Institute, Inc. (in accordance with FS 553.993 (5) or (7)) meet the requirements of the Florida Building Code, 5th Edition (2014) - Energy Efficiency sections R104.5, R402.4.1.2, and R403.2.2 found in the 2016 Supplement in accordance with FS 553.998 (authorized by 2016 HB535) to submit an inspection report for a home for residential code compliance?
In summary, BOAF's interpretation in all three cases is “yes” with commentary. Please see the following non-binding interpretations:
7911: http://interpretations.boaf.net/view/7911
7867: http://interpretations.boaf.net/view/7867
“This is an important development for the building industry in Florida” said BPI CEO Larry Zarker. “Home builders need affordable options for testing to prove they meet the requirements of the Florida building code,” he added.
BPI Test Centers are now gearing up to provide training for individuals who will be qualified to perform these blower door tests.
BOAF is an association of building officials, building inspectors, plans examiners, and building code compliance professionals in the state of Florida.
Originally published April 11, 2017. Updated April 13, 2017.